Return to the path including the optional mainframe and mail senders list. 返回路径中包括了可选的主机和发送者邮箱列表。
Known hosts file ( optional field): The file that contains a list of known hosts Knownhostsfile(optionalfield):包含已知主机列表的文件
That means that they should include the abstract keyword, optionally a visibility modifier, the function keyword, and an optional list of arguments in parentheses. 这意味着,抽象方法应包括abstract关键字、可选的可见度修改符、function关键字,以及圆括号内可选的参数列表。
More complicated code is needed to provide more advanced configuration, such as configuring the hide/ show status of a field or configuring the optional values in a drop-down list. 要提供更高级的配置,需要提供更复杂的代码,如配置某个字段的隐藏/显示状态,或者配置下拉列表中的可选值。
The comparison can be further controlled by specifying an optional list of attributes to be excluded from comparison and the style of comparison for String-valued attributes. 要进一步控制比较,可以指定不用于比较的可选属性,以及为值为String的属性指定比较方式。
Each attribute or class that is a part of the EMF model must have a@ model tag in its JavaDoc, and may have an optional list of additional attributes. 每一个属性或类,如果是EMF模型的一部分,就必须在其JavaDoc中包含一个@model标签,也可以包含一个附加属性列表。
Each rule definition contains an optional description, a list of variables, and an expression. 每个规则定义含有一个可选描述、变量列表和一个表达式。
Typing-help in the Optional Parameters field will list further runtime options. 在OptionalParameters字段中键入-help将列出更详细的运行时选项。
This optional attribute specifies a list of manager IDs. 这个可选属性指定了一个管理器ID列表。
The word is echelon and the first parameter is the part of speech, followed by a List containing definitions and an optional third parameter, which can be a List of synonyms. 单词是echelon,第一个参数是词性,然后是包含定义的List,还有可选的第三个参数,它可以是同义词的List。
This is followed by an optional Targets field where the user can define a list targets to be called by the build utility. 接下来是一个可选的Targets区域,用户可以在这个区域内定义一个构建工具所访问的列表对象。
So it's optional whether the less-derived implemented interfaces are stated in the base type list? 那么就是说派生程度较低的接口是否被声明在基类列表中是可选的了?
Assuming that Masha is in the Optional Infinitive stage, list all the possible sentences she might produce using the lexical items above. 假设玛莉正值任意不定词阶段,列出所有她可能用上列词汇说出的句子。
To install optional updates, you need to review and then select them from the list of updates that Windows finds for your computer. 安装可选安装,你需要检讨,然后选择他们从名单上的更新视窗认定为你的电脑。
An enumeration is defined using the enum keyword, followed by an optional enumeration name, and a comma-separated list of enumerators enclosed in braces. 枚举提供了一种替代的方法,不但定义了整数常量集,而且还把它们聚集成组。
Once a function is defined, you can invoke it by following the function's name with an optional comma-separated list of arguments within parentheses. 一旦定义了函数,只需要在函数名后边加上一个可选的、用逗号分隔的参数列表(该列表用括号括起来),就可以调用它。
Summary of Qualifications ( optional) can offer a list of your skills and accomplishments right at the very beginning of your resume. 而资历总结(可自主选择加不加)可以在简历的开头介绍你的技能和成就。
The open-parenthesis is followed by an optional argument list. 开括号后面跟着一个可选的参数列表。
For other modes, the contained file list is optional, and the terminal can ignore this file list. 对于其他模式,包含文件列表是可选的,终端忽略该文件列表。
The son-node selects a node as father-node from optional nodes list when father-node fails, the paper made feasibility analysis of time complexity and space complexity. 父节点失效后优先从备选节点列表中选择数据源,本文对备选节点机制的可行性作了时间和空间复杂度分析。